Widget integration​

Moodlight supports embedded widgets of your groups.

Steps to integrate a widget:

  1. Create new mood group in your account
  2. Copy the short code of the group
  3. Edit the code below to integrate your group
  4. Place the code on your website 🎉


For enhanced user experience you can use the following adjustment options:

  • ?widget – Removes application header

  • &bg=F9F5EC – Defines application background color

  • &forest – Adds static forest background image

  • &live-forest – Adds animated forest background

Embedded add mood page

					<iframe height="650px" src="https://staging.moodlight.team/group/0bnze?widget&bg=F9F5EC"></iframe>

Embedded group results page

					<iframe height="550px" src="https://staging.moodlight.team/group/0bnze/results?widget&bg=f2f2f2"></iframe>